Unspeakable Laziness Reigns Supreme

Hocus, pocus...crocus!

Hi friends,

Just a quick note right now. I haven’t posted a single thing since January, but in all honesty I did accomplish at least half-a-dozen items on The List during February and March. Since one of them was the first trimester of #22, I was just too overwhelmed with exhaustion to actually write up any of the posts for said accomplishments. While spring was springing, I was snoozing. (I wish there was something like “take awesome naps” on the list, because I’d be all over that.)

But gumption is making a comeback! Over the next few days I’ll be posting items about what I cooked, read, and otherwise took care of for the last two months. Full disclosure: I’m going to back-date those posts so they show up on the calendar in the order in which they occurred, but I’ll make a note in the text of the day I really posted it. Hope nobody minds! (Not that you would, because there are only about four of you reading this anyway. Thanks, you four!)

So, off I go to post about something yummy. Cheers!


2 responses to “Unspeakable Laziness Reigns Supreme

  1. Pingback: Day 73: First Day of School! | strivingtobesupermom

  2. Pingback: Day 94: Rainbow Cookies | strivingtobesupermom

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